Posted by Natalie

"Dwarven women have beards and are nearly impossible for outsiders to tell apart from men" is obviously very good worldbuilding, and by and large and fantasy world that doesn't have hirsute dwarven women is cowardly. But consider instead a world in which almost all dwarves are men, but they still have an approximately 50/50 divide between dwarves with testes and dwarves with ovaries. Women are rare and largely independent of genitalia, but through some combination of custom and preference they generally shave their beards.

Bonus points if other races are super regressive about gender. "So you're a woman?" "No, look at my beard, I'm a man." "But you said you've borne three children..." "Aye, Stonehew, Hematite, and little Ore." "Surely you mean your wife bore them..." "Nae, but she's the one who knocked me up!"

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