
Products and Services

Achewood "walkin' around money" panel
detailed image description

A panel from Achewood.

Roast Beef: Why did you send a check for $10,000 to "Oreos"
Ray: I like their product! I wanted 'em to have a little walkin' around money!

Here are some things that I use, enjoy, and endorse. You might like them too! None of these have paid me, although in some cases I'm friendly with the staff. In fact, I generally pay them because I value what they make or do and I want them to keep existing.

Friends' Projects

These are cool things my friends are working on that I think could use a bit more visibility.


I don't like public "following" lists on social media, and having a list of links to my friends' blogs feels too similar to me. Sorry! But if you want to link back to this site, feel free to use this icon:

House of Nettles

The avatar is by subspaceskater, Zandra did the layout, and I made the nettle leaf (with substantial help from a photo reference).