Posted by Natalie

Natalie posted

so apparently you can't add a bookmark of a particular page to your home screen on Android if that page happens to be on a site that supports being a progressive web app. it'll just always take you to the site root

  • #android
  • #enshittification
effika posted on

The solution I use: turn on Airplane mode, then try to load the site. Firefox will, of course, be unable to load it, but you can still add a shortcut to the homescreen. Doing it this way means you block the PWA manifest that it's loading that takes away all the reasons you loaded it in a web win the first place.

If that doesn't work, you can also put a rule in uBlock to block it, clear all the caches/cookies, and try again. If you need that rule let me know I will grab it.

holy shit it worked

holy shit it worked

  1. android
  2. enshittification

Webmentions (0) What's that?

Oh no, Comentario failed to start.
If you own this website, you might want to look at the browser console to find out why.