Posted by Natalie

- [O'Brien] I wouldn't take it personally, Worf.
- [Bashir] I rather like the way you smell.

[O'Brien] Sort of earthy, peaty aroma.

[Bashir] With a touch of lilac.

detailed image description
  • Panel 1: A screen capture from Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien sit at a table on DS9 with mugs of liquid in front of them. They both look Worf, offscreen.
  • Panel 2: Bashir stares straight ahead while O'Brien continues looking at Worf.
  • Panel 3: Both Bashir and O'Brien are looking at Worf again.
  • Panel 4: Reaction shot of Worf looking nonplussed.
  1. Worf has never seen a homosexual before and is unsure what to do
  2. just wait until he learns about Dax
  3. star trek
  4. deep space nine
  5. image set

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