Seattle Cohost Wake

Posted by Natalie

As soon as it was announced that Cohost was shutting down, I knew I at least needed some way to grieve it in community. I'm not a particularly observant Jew, but I do take to heart the idea that grief is a community experience. Cohost was never an experience of any individual in isolation, so its loss shouldn't be experienced in isolation either.

I talked to my wife and Xandra who had also made some rumblings about some sort of meet-up, we decided on a place and time, and I sent out an open invitation[1]. We knew Seattle was a pretty big Cohost city, but based on the Philly and Boston turnouts we expected maybe thirty to forty people.

the Seattle Cohost wake
detailed image description

A large group of masked people in a park posing together, many holding Eggbug plushes.

The last dedicated count we got was fifty-eight, but people kept showing up after that so I believe in the end we had more than sixty attendees. Lydia even came up from the Bay Area, shocking everyone there who knew her! I was completely blown away by this incredible outpouring of love for Cohost.

It was an intensely emotional mix of mourning and joy. We had a moment of silence for the loss of Cohost, we came together in a cheer of "Eggbug Forever!", but most of all people just hung out and chatted. We even had our very own rainbow:

Rose and I also came up with an idea for a little local mailing list for COVID-safe events. To help spread the word, we made a zine. I only printed fifty copies, which I thought would be plenty, so for anyone who showed up after all the zines were gone or who couldn't make it at all, I've reproduced it below:

I want to thank everyone who came and made this event as wonderful as it was. Now when I grieve Cohost, I'll be able to hold this evening as a balm to my heart. To send it off, here are a few of the particularly adorable Eggbugs I managed to photograph while I was there:

  1. I think this post actually coined "Cohost Wake". It was certainly the first in that tag! ↩︎

  1. thank you all again for coming out
  2. and for being on cohost
  3. and for sharing this moment with me and one another
  4. cohost
  5. seattle

Webmentions (6)

  1. Joyces????????✨ mentioned on

    @nex3 thanks for putting this on! we are glad we attended, it was great to put faces to names

  2. Natalie mentioned on

    @joyces thanks for coming! and thank you for making the first reply to a crosspost from my blog so I have some test data to use to implement web mention display ????

  3. Owen Nelson mentioned on

    @nex3 makes me think of the bit in Halt and Catch Fire where all the Community users come to the mixer at the Mutiny! house.

  4. Natalie mentioned on

    @onelson yeah... similar vibe

  5. mentioned on

    Great turnout!

  6. mentioned on