How to fail to read a Fediverse post
So I'm trying to add support for automatically embedding Fediverse
posts on this blog, right? And yeah I could use the Mastodon API for
it, but I'd really rather be able to make it work with
anything that speaks ActivityPub. So okay, I look up
the ActivityPub spec. It's a bit confusing, but I figure out how to at make a GET
request for an ActivityPub resource: just add
Content-Type: application/ld+json;
. I can even make a request for one of my statuses and it works!
Just to verify, I make a request to another server, and that's where things start getting hairy. Instead of a nice JSON representation of the post, I get back a 401 Unauthorized with a body that says "Request not signed". This is a public post, but after some digging it turns out Mastodon (and by extension ActivityPub as a whole) has a "secure mode" where all requests have to be signed.
Signed by what though? This is a distributed system—there's no central authority to distribute authorization in the first place.
To answer that I looked in the spec. I searched for "signature" and found nothing particularly relevant. Eventually I found the Authentication and Authorization section, which says "Unfortunately at the time of standardization, there are no strongly agreed upon mechanisms for authentication." Well, shit. Clearly some people agree enough for it to be implemented, but I guess not enough for it to be actually specified!
This does, mercifully, link to
a wiki page
that purports to lay out "some possible directions" and,
under the
Server to Server
section, seems to describe the scheme that
this StackOverflow post
describes as "an odd, somewhat well-known ActivityPub
quirk"[1]. This wiki page may not be an official specification, but at the
very least it describes the publicKey
field that I can
see in the actor JSON on
This is all fundamentally busywork. Because the whole thing is decentralized, the receiving instance has no choice but to trust whatever public key a new requesting instance provides. All this scheme really does is prove that someone making requests runs a server somewhere that speaks basic ActivityPub, and even then this constraint only exists for ActivityPub requests—HTTP requires no authentication at all.
"id": "",
"type": "Person",
/* ... */
"publicKey": {
"id": "",
"owner": "",
"publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
Or does it? The publicKey
link there points to, a URL that at time of writing is refusing HTTPS connections
entirely. Naturally I looked it up on, only to find that
the specification for the publicKey
is not only totally different from what I'm observing in the wild,
its one-sentence specification is essentially useless: "A
public key property is used to specify a URL that contains
information about a public key." The example included
doesn't even have a publicKey
"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"@type": "Key",
"owner": "",
"publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIBG0BA...OClDQAB\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
Okay, so there's functionally no specification for the data format. That's fine, I can probably reverse-engineer it from the live example in combination with the spec for how to make authenticated requests. A spec which is handily linked from that same wiki page. But nothing can be easy: that link has a prominent sidebar which reads "This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is 'Replaced'."
So is the ActivityPub authorization "specification" intentionally using an outdated version of HTTP signatures, or should I use the latest version instead? The wiki page doesn't say, so I just have to guess. Presumably there are plenty of implementations out there that use the version that was (I'm assuming?) current at the time the spec was written, so I'll start with that. It describes how to link back to the actor's public key (although not what format that key should be in), which headers to sign, and how to create a signature given a choice of algorithm.
On the subject of algorithms, it says "Valid values for this parameter can be found in the Signature Algorithms registry located at and MUST NOT be marked "deprecated"." An astute observer will note that that link is completely dead. In fact, even the Internet Archive doesn't seem to have a real copy of it. As far as I can tell, this spec is linking to a document that never existed.
Okay, so much for the outdated HTTP signature specification. Fortunately, it was eventually published as the real-ass RFC 9421 which makes reference to the real name of the IANA registry, "HTTP Message Signature", although inexplicably does not include a link to it. Unfortunately, the RFC's structure for HTTP signatures is totally incompatible with the older draft's, so it's still entirely unclear which one Mastodon instances want.
At this point, I have two major outstanding questions:
What is the correct format for the public key with which I'm supposed to sign requests?
Should I use the outdated draft HTTP Signature format, or the one from RFC 9421?
At this point, I don't think there's any way to answer these questions other than to read through an existing implementation's code, which is a treat I'll save myself for some other day.
For those who are curious, the authorization scheme is essentially as follows: when one ActivityPub server makes an authorized request to another, it includes a cryptographic signature of some of that request's headers using an actor's private key. The actor may be the signed-in user, but when requesting public data it can also be an "instance actor" representing the instance as a whole. This request also includes the URL of the actor so the receiving instance can fetch its public key and verify the signature. ↩︎
Webmentions (2) What's that?
replied on
@nex3 Oof. Sounds like a rough experience
replied on
@kouhai afaict the mastodon API does not provide an endpoint for "get me the ActivityPub document at this URL"