Cohost in memoriam: the friends and family beta

Posted by Natalie

Look, I know only a handful of people actually experienced this first-hand[1]. But I think it's worth remembering anyway, because it set the stage for everything that came after. We[2] joined because we wanted to support our pals and we hoped this could one day really become our fourth website. But we quickly realized that we were actually using Cohost as social media. Most of us came from Twitter—it was still Twitter at the time!—and it was immediately viscerally clear that Cohost was better.

It had so few features at the time, no one had made any tools for it, and the stylesheets would just refuse to load with distressing frequency. But the posts kept rolling in, jokes and essays and so so much marveling at the unforseen positive effects of not having numbers anymore. I really think this early era both established the culture of the site and helped people understand how and why to spread the word among those who would appreciate it.

You might say "there weren't enough of those in the end", but I didn't think that's right. I really think given another five years of runway and maybe a payment processor with its head less to its ass, Cohost could have become sustainable. It's not for everyone, but the people it's for love it with a burning passion. These past few weeks have demonstrated that in spades.

  1. think I read 50 somewhere but I wouldn't swear to the accuracy of that ↩︎

  2. Maybe other people feeling differently, but this is based on my memory of what people were saying at the time ↩︎

  1. cohost
  2. cohost in memoriam

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