Grimstone patch V1.6.2.4
Hey, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (Grimstone was easier before UFO 50 v1.6.2.4) on the Grimstone (Grimstone was easier before UFO 50 v1.6.2.4) CLEAR. I know you've been working really hard (It was easier before v1.6.2.4) at it, and I'm happy that you've (enemy status effects didn't work before v1.6.2.4) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (we had trivial rez costs and a full inventory for healing items) the land of Lonestar was filled with ups and downs (it was easier before v1.6.2.4), and I'm (it used to be easier) excited to see (it was easier before) you beat (rezzes cost 4 SP on the map) it (status effects were fake).