Posted by Natalie

my two hottest survival horror takes are:

  • the "ink ribbon" style save economy is actually genius and totally changes the way the player approaches the game. it's a huge factor in what makes resource management so compelling in early Residents Evil

  • fixed camera angles are worth every bit of the awkwardness of tank controls and more. I've only just started playing Silent Hill 2 and it's already going completely off the wall with the camera in a way that just wouldn't work if you had to adjust your heading every time it cut

neither of these should be in every game, or even every survival horror game—Silent Hill never used ink ribbons because it's not really about the resource mechanics in the first place and that's fine. but it's a tragedy that they've completely exited the modern design lexicon

  1. "we know better now" no. we have forgotten the old lore
  2. resident evil
  3. silent hill
  4. silent hill 2

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