Cohost in memoriam: only carbon now

Posted by Natalie

On a site that I've seen described as "a retirement home for the greatest posters of our generation"[1], there's only shitpost that truly shook it to its foundations. It's not my favorite @willow post, it's the only post that went so viral on here that it seemed like the entire website was riffing on it for days afterwards. (not to mention permanently altering my vocabulary). You know it, you love it[2], it's the obituary for Ryan Reynolds:


It's actually kind of shocking to me that the phrase "he is only carbon now" doesn't appear as such in the original post, because that's how I (mis)quote it constantly all the time.

  1. I am at best paraphrasing the quote and at worst lying completely about ever hearting it ↩︎

  2. Or perhaps you are obscurely baffled by it, or even furious at it. I don't know the inner workings of your soul ↩︎

On a site that I've seen described as "a retirement home for the greatest posters of our generation"[1], there's only shitpost that truly shook it to its foundations. It's not my favorite @willow post, it's the only post that went so viral on here that it seemed like the entire website was riffing on it for days afterwards. (not to mention permanently altering my vocabulary). You know it, you love it[2], it's the obituary for Ryan Reynolds:

willow wrote:

oh geez, just heard the news out of vancouver. ryan reynolds was torched to death by a beam of light from the heavens. yeah the report described him as being “only carbon now” which strikes me as a little insensitive but i guess that’s the modern world for you.

It's actually kind of shocking to me that the phrase "he is only carbon now" doesn't appear as such in the original post, because that's how I (mis)quote it constantly all the time.

  1. I am at best paraphrasing the quote and at worst lying completely about ever hearting it ↩︎

  2. Or perhaps you are obscurely baffled by it, or even furious at it. I don't know the inner workings of your soul ↩︎

  1. cohost
  2. cohost in memoriam

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