World where demons are real and around and ontologically evil but with an extremely Christian-fundamentalist definition of "evil". They don't care what sins they facilitate as long as they're sins. Murder is just bad economics: you're getting someone killed who would do sins of their own. Even labor exploitation isn't great, because ideally everyone has free time for the real big-ticket sins like lust and sloth and gluttony.
So of course a bunch of demons end up working as pornographers, musicians, chefs, and so on. But it's also rare to see a queer youth center without at least a few demon volunteers absolutely dead set on helping everyone accept themselves. There are even a few who really play the long game doing labor organizing and base-building so that one day humans will be free from the shackles of capitalism and the sins of idleness will really start rolling in.
Angels exist in this setting too but they're such dour killjoys that barely any humans will tolerate spending time with them and they mostly just live off in their own towns in the middle of otherwise deserted areas.